Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Are there any poisonous/dangerous animals in Thailand?


Thailand has poisonous snakes, scorpions, centipedes and jellyfish.
If you see a centipede, do not try to hold it or touch it, they have an extremely painful sting and if you are stung by one, you will be off your feet for days.

Scorpions like to hide in clothing that's been left on the floor, in shoes, under logs etc. Many tourists have received a nasty surprise when they pull on their underwear in the morning!

Snakes can turn up anywhere, even in the cities. If you are bitten, call for help immediately but try not to panic as snake bites are easily survivable and treatments are available everywhere.

You should use caution when bathing in the sea. We have heard about swimmers who received fatal stings from jellyfish. Certain varieties are very dangerous and are found in coastal waters all around Thailand. Generally, jellyfish stings are just painful and don't pose a threat to life... but you should be aware of the dangers.

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